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Video: Nitrogen Volatilization Test : Amidas vs Urea

Jan 21, 2015

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Here is a Nitrogen volatilization laboratory test to compare Amidas 40-0-0 5.5 (S) vs Urea 46-0-0. See in less than 2 minutes (24h, time-lapse) in this video how Amidas is less volatile (40% less volatile) than urea.

Amidas, a unique product available at Synagri in Eastern Ontario and Québec.

- Unique in its production process;
- Reduce N volatilization longer and more efficiently than urea without chemical additives;
- Sulphate sulfur is immediately assimilated by plants;
- Ideal N :S ratio 7.3 :1 for protein synthesis;
- 40% Nitrogen, 5,5% Sulfur in the same granule;
- Totally water soluble;
- Very uniform granule size;
- True homogenous product ensures uniformity of application.