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Poll Recap: Staying Warm in Winter

Jan 23, 2015

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Staying warm during the depths of winter can present a challenge, especially in certain parts of the world. Last week, we asked our readers to identify the one piece of clothing they would never give up when temperatures plummet. More than 750 people responded to our poll, and we’ve tallied the results!
Of the 760 respondents, 201 (26%) said they would never give up their boots, while 177 (23%) chose gloves as their must-have winter clothing. Another 100 individuals said they'd never give up their thermal underwear, and 97 people (13%) said they couldn’t make it through winter without their hats. Only 83 respondents (11%) selected coveralls or overalls as their most valued winter-clothing item, and 44 people (6%) would not give up their scarf or face cover. The remaining 58 respondents (8%) selected other clothing items not listed.
Additionally, more than 180 individuals left comments regarding why the piece of clothing they selected is so special:
Many people explained why they would never give up their boots during the winter:
“If my feet aren't warm/comfy, I'm miserable. Hands can be warmed next to body, but feet…”
“I love my Bogs! They keep my feet toasty. If my feet get cold, I am cold all over.”
“My Muck Boots. I wear them every day down at my barn.”
Source: TheHorse