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Poll Recap: Parasite Control Strategies

Jan 30, 2014

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How do you control parasites on your farm? In last week’s poll on, we asked about our readers' primary parasite control strategies on their farms. More than 750 people responded, and we’ve tallied the results!

Of the 764 respondents, 356 (47%) said they use rotational deworming for parasite control, while 260 (34%) indicated they perform fecal egg counts and deworm based on the results. Another 106 readers (14%) said their parasite control strategy involves property, pasture, and manure management. Twenty-six readers (3%) said they feed a daily dewormer, and the remaining 16 respondents (2%) said they do not worry about parasites on their farm.

In addition, 75 readers left comments about their parasite control strategy.

Many readers said that they use a combination of the options mentioned:

"Property management, rotational deworming, and fecal counts."
"All of the above."
"Combination of the first three choices!"
"Rotational dewormng and property, pasture, and manure managment all year-round."
"Pasture rotation, paddock cleaning, and rotational deworming. I always worry about parasites."
"Rotational worming combined with pasture rotation and manure management."
"We also manage pastures (pick up manure daily) and deworm in spring and fall."
"Rotational deworming combined with fly control management in barn and pastures"
"Both fecal count for correct application of dewormers and pasture management"
Source: TheHorse