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Poll Recap: Mud Management

Nov 25, 2014

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Caring for horses can become quite a chore in between seasons, when the weather is unpredictable. Recently our readers weighed in on the different ways they deal with mud in their horse’s habitat during the wet months. Six hundred people responded to our online poll, and we’ve tallied the results!
Of the 600 respondents, 161 (27%) said they use sand in their paddocks to reduce mud, while 87 (14%) responded that their horse stays stalled when it’s muddy. Another 73 individuals said they use wood chips or hogs fuel to reduce the mud. Fifty-nine people (10%) responded that they have an engineered drainage system in their paddock, and 21 respondents (4%) said they use a commercial mud prevention system in their paddocks that holds the soil and prevents mud and erosion. The remaining 199 people (33%) said they used other mud management practices.
Source: TheHorse