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Planning to Save Horses

Jul 18, 2014

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Titanic-sized calamity, or annoyance that mushrooms into a catastrophe? Either can endanger your horse. Realize that your horses are vulnerable to all manners of natural disasters, and there is no perfectly safe place. A disaster can occur anywhere, and everyone lives under some type of threat.

In a disaster, you can lose the resources that keep your horse alive--shelter, water, and feed. You can even lose track of your horse--he could be stranded in a flood, escape if enclosures are damaged, or even be chased out of a burning barn. And, worst of all, horses can die in emergency situations.

You can do a lot to "disaster-proof" your environment, and your contingencies can mitigate disaster threats. Be aware of dangers common to your area, and take steps to prepare for them. Planning ahead can make the difference between minor inconvenience and tragedy.

Source: TheHorse