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Is Drought Affecting You?

Jun 09, 2017

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By Laura Edwards
SDSU Extension State Climatologist
Drought conditions have rapidly worsened in South Dakota over the last two weeks. A dry spring season affected early growth in grasses, pastures and yards across much of the northern and central regions.
Reporting Drought Impacts
Now that the heat has been turned on, it is challenging for SDSU Extension and others who monitor drought conditions to keep up with the impacts of drought around the state. To that end, the Drought Impact Reporter at the National Drought Mitigation Center can help. This online form is an anonymous way to submit drought reports or impacts from your area at any time of year.
Benefits of Reporting
When you submit your drought report to this website, it is able to be viewed by the US Drought Monitor authors, SDSU Extension and others who are involved in drought disasters. Your reports can help inform state wildland fire groups in preparing for firefighting, inform agricultural agencies in drought disaster relief, and assist in coordination among various groups in responding to drought if it becomes very severe. Your reports tell us what you need for drought response and relief from SDSU Extension as well: everything from weather and climate updates, to weed and pest control, to water supply concerns, to livestock management and economics, to mental health and community support.
What to Include
Through the Drought Impact Reporter website, you can submit photos and descriptions of your yard, garden, farm or field. It is helpful if you describe the situation as it compares to other dry times. For example, how often do you see drought this severe? When was the last time you experienced a similar dry period or similar impacts? How do the conditions today compare to what you usually expect this time of year?
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