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Any Alfalfa Damage After Lower Temperatures This Weekend?

May 20, 2016

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By Karla Hernandez

SDSU Extension Forages Field Specialist

Figure 1. A healthy alfalfa plant in South Shore, SD, not showing much harm due to lower temperatures. Photo by Karla Hernández.

Cold and moist weather ended last week, as temperatures across the state plummeted below freezing. The mornings on May 13-15 were near to below freezing across much of South Dakota. The map below shows the temperatures (minimum in blue, maximum in green) for May 14, 2016 at the SD Mesonet sites (Figure 2). Many sites in the west and north were below freezing for more than a few hours.

Figure 2. Temperatures at the SD Mesonet sites on May 14, 2016 .

As we enter this growing season, alfalfa fields are showing great potential for good tonnage production. Alfalfa can withstand temperatures as low as 20° F. However, several hours of 25 to 27° F or lower temperatures could damage leaf tissue and the alfalfa growing points.

Management Suggestions

Newly Seeded Alfalfa

Seedlings between the 2 and 5 trifoliate leaf stage are susceptible to being killed if exposed to 26° F for four or more hours. Using companion crops (oats and orchardgrass) can help seedlings survive cooler temperatures for longer periods of time. Seedlings from emergence to the second trifoliate leaf stage tend to be more cold tolerant (Undersander et al., 2011). Re-seeding with a drill into the damaged areas may be warranted.

Established Alfalfa (2+ years)

A light freeze where temperatures do not go below 27° F is likely to freeze several sets of trifoliate leaves on alfalfa tops and terminal buds, but plants will grow out of it with warmer temperatures. A moderate freeze where temperatures go between 26 to 27° F is likely to damage the upper part of the stem and can kill terminal buds. Usually, growth and first cutting will be delayed. However, if producers are approaching their first cutting and there is damage, they should consider harvesting as soon as possible.

A hard freeze where temperatures go below 26° F is likely to damage and kill leaves, buds, and stem tissue. Plants will regrow from crown buds. Compared to a moderate freeze, first cutting will be delayed and significant yield losses might be expected.

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