19 App Listing(s) found for Spraying


Developed by: TeeJet Technologies
Countries: Canada,US
TeeJet Technologies have developed a new and popular application: the SpraySelect. This app allows users to choose the proper tip or nozzle...

Pesticide Labels

Developed by: Health Canada / Santé Canada
Countries: Canada
Health Canada’s Pesticide label app is a directory of pesticide labels that are registered for use in Canada by the Pest Management...

Fertilizer Removal by Crop

Developed by: Ag PhD
Countries: Canada,US
The Fertilizer Removal By Crop app is a superb reference for farmers and agronomists alike as you plan fertilizer applications on your farm.

Farm Spray Pro

Developed by: TapLogic, LLC
Countries: Canada,US
Farm Spray Pro provides a history of sprays, data on spraying conditions, field mapping, directions to fields and more. With a database...

Mix My Sprayer

Developed by: Clemson University
Countries: Canada,US
The Mix My Sprayer app was designed to help with the process of calculating different product combinations used for spraying. The app...

Spray Guide

Developed by: Precision Laboratories, Inc.
Countries: Canada,US
The Spray Guide application was designed and engineered by Plant Health Technologies, and is designed to assist agricultural applicators, as well as...

ID Weeds

Developed by: University of Missouri - Extension Division
Countries: Canada,US
Produced by the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture, the Weed ID Guide in an excellent resource for all farmers. The app...

Mix Tank – Agriculture Tank Mixing Order and Spray Logs

Developed by: Precision Laboratories, Inc.
Countries: Canada,US
The Mix Tank – Agriculture Tank Mixing Order and Spray Logs application educates farmers and agricultural applicators with the proper tank mixing...

Mix Tank - Tank Mixing Ag App

Developed by: Precision Laboratories, Inc.
Countries: Canada,US
The Mix Tank – Agriculture Tank Mixing Order and Spray Logs application educates farmers and agricultural applicators with the proper tank mixing...
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