“It is no longer good enough to view data aftter the fact, so what we do is make sure the industry including farmers are getting quicker and more precise measurable results," says Anita Wortzman.
The Ag Tech industry has become more integrated in the business of agricultural and it has become increasingly useful in assisting farmers in making critical decisions in a variety of applications that include fertilizer applications, seed selection, crop protection, field management, production planning and harvest management.
“The fact that were building an ecosystem for agribusiness and farmers is really huge for us, providing more value every day to growers and developing digital products that just really never existed,” said Wortzman.
The future of Ag Tech will help farmers manage their risks, produce more with less resources, save money and time by allowing farmers to have access to customizable data to make critical decisions.
“The ability to collect the volume of data and the speed at which we can collect that data and then transmit it to the grower in a usable format is just so exciting and that is just really a huge trend,” says Wortzman.
Looking to the future of Ag Tech, Wortzman believes the trends in Ag Tech are the ability to collect large volumes of data to be transmitted for farmers usage. Also, reducing greenhouse gasses, and traceability of the crops by being able to identify the low carbon traceability are future trends in Ag Tech.
The biggest challenge for the future of Ag Tech is innovators establishing trust with growers and expanding their network as farmers are not looking for multiple applications, but rather looking for integrated solutions.
“The main thing is having passion for what you do and truly believing in it and then figuring out how to communicate value proposition to growers and partners about how you add value, and finding that value for growers,” says Wortzman.
To watch the Anita Wortzman’s presentation, please visit https://canadasfarmshowvirtual.ca/on-demand/.
Justin Uhrig is a co-op student with Farms.com. Farms.com welcomes co-op students throughout the year.