The facility can store about 62,000 tons (2.25 million bushels) of grain, ship 75,000 bushels/hour, clean 8,800 bu/hr and receive 32 Super B trucks/hour.
The terminal also has a 150-car loop track that can load a full unit train in about eight hours, and an integrated dust suppression system. Grain from the terminal will travel through Paterson’s terminal in the Port of Vancouver.
The facility will create 12 to 18 jobs.
Paterson broke ground on the new terminal in May 2017. Representatives expect it to be fully operational this fall.
“It took us about one year to build, which I believe is a record time for us,” Andrew Paterson, CEO of Paterson Grain, told today. “The farming community is very excited for the new terminal and the marketing opportunities that could come with it.”
The terminal is also a sign that producers’ yields are increasing, and elevators must be capable of handling larger quantities of grain.
“The productivity in Western Canada is increasing and (farmers) pretty much have a record crop. We need to provide facilities for them to market their grain,” he said. “And with the terminal’s location, the travel time between the farm and elevator is shortened because its located a quarter-mile away from Highway 2, which is the busiest highway in Alberta.”
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