Eligible farmers must live in any of the following Rural Municipalities: 6, 7, 8, 9, 36, 37, 38, 39, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 96, 97, 98 or 127.
Nominations must be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce by Oct. 14.
A committee made up of representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and the Weyburn Agricultural Society will review the nominations and select the winner.
The winner will receive his or her Golden Sheaf Award on Ag Appreciation Night. The event is scheduled for Nov. 1 at McKenna Hall and tickets are available now.
The Chamber of Commerce has presented the award to members of the ag community since 1994.
Elmer Johnson won it that year.
Holloway Ag Corp took home the honour in 2021.
Winning the award was “very humbling,” Brad Eggum said after receiving the award, SaskToday.ca reported in Nov. 2021. “When I look back at past recipients, this tribute is humbling and affirming.”
It’s unclear how the Chamber of Commerce came up with the name for the award.
Weyburn does have sculptures of six wheat sheafs along one of its major highways.
The Weyburn Chamber of Commerce’s Golden Sheaf Award also shares a name with another award.
Winners at the Yorkton Film Festival have received Golden Sheaf Awards since 1958.
In 1956, Frank Morris, a film critic with the Winnipeg Free Press, felt the film festival needed its own award.
“Recalling his travel from Winnipeg to Yorkton, his suggestion to the film council was based on the golden fields of wheat he drove by,” the film festival’s website says.