To enter, a U.S. farmer must follow @FarmsNews on Twitter and tag @FarmsNews in the post. The post can be a photo or video using the hashtag #Harvest22 and include a short caption of the entry.
“Farmers spend countless hours in their combines trying to finish harvest on time,” said President & CEO Graham Dyer “Working outside provides growers with opportunities to capture what it means to be a farmer. And we want to celebrate that.”
The winning entrant will receive a $100 gift card to the U.S. Farmer store and have his or her photo or video pinned to the top of the FarmsNews Twitter account for one week.
Entries don’t have to focus on grain or equipment, Dyer said.
“We know not every harvest looks the same,” he said. “There are family meals in the fields, there are furry companions who keep farmers company, and sometimes there’s weather and breakdowns that delay harvest for a day or two. We want to see those photos or videos too.” would like to wish all farmers a safe and successful harvest!