These includes working with the minister of emergency management and climate readiness to develop an emergency preparedness strategy for food security.
Minister Alexis is also mandated to work with the ag sector to identify ag practices that reduce carbon pollutions, and to support the work of the minister of education and child care to expand school meal programs.
Minister Alexis is also tasked with continuing work from the ag mandate letter Popham received in November 2020.
That work included expanding the Grow BC, Feed BC and Buy BC programs to support food security and local business growth and launching the Extreme Weather Preparedness for Agriculture Program.
It’s imperative that Minister Alexis and Premier Eby’s government look out for farmers the way farmers look out for their communities.
“As every British Columbian knows, we don’t have a secure food supply and manage food costs for British Columbians if we don’t look after our farmers and use our land base wisely,” the Dec. 7 letter states. “Our provincial commitment to food and the people who produce it has never been more important.”