Interestingly, Saskatchewan has the most organic farms in Canada, representing about 97 per cent of its field crops. Whereas in the province of Quebec the organic sector has seen the largest amount of growth compared to its provincial counterparts with a 179 per cent increase since 2001. B.C. is home to the largest concentration of organic farms in an urban area. For example 31 per cent of the farms near Victoria are deemed organic. The vast majority of organic farms in B.C. are fruit and vegetable operations.
Event organizers say “organic represents a vibrant alternative food system and an alternative option for clothing, personal care and cleaning products.” If you want to buy organic food, look for the “Canada Organic Biologique” logo on products. Products that bear this symbol indicates that it meets Canadian requirements of organic standards and regulations. This means that the product has passed independent audits and inspections, in addition to regular food safety requirements.
Organic week is from September 20-28, 2014. Want to get involved? Visit Organic Week events section on their website for more details.