An undercover investigator, who wished to remain anonymous due to their ongoing work for the organization, told The Huffington Post he spent much of his time cleaning up dead hens from their cages.
Gray Ridge says the footage isn’t in line with the practices at its facility.

“I am disappointed in the practices depicted in the video, and can say with certainty that what is shown is inconsistent with our high standards for animal care. All Gray Ridge employees receive training to provide good care for hens as part of our Animal Care Policy, and our track record through external animal care audits is strong,” said Mike Walsh, Executive Vice President, in a release.
The company said its practices are being reviewed.
Representatives from Ontario’s egg industry say the farm passed an inspection earlier this year.
“That farm was inspected and passed its audit in late spring of this year,” said Bill Mitchell, director of public affasirs with the Egg Farmers of Ontario. “The conditions portrayed in the video were not there when the farm would’ve been audited.”
Mitchell also said determining authenticity is hard to do when it comes to videos of this nature.
“When you’re not the source, it’s difficult to judge,” he said. “A couple (shots) are repeated and it’s very short fragments.”