“The investment we announced today will help keep the sector on the cutting edge so it continues to grow sustainably while contributing to our economy and supporting well-paying middle class jobs,” MacAulay said in a release today.
With the investment, the Canadian ag industry will help the government meet its goal of reaching $75 billion in annual ag exports by 2025.
“Canola is all about innovation,” said Jim Everson, president of the Canola Council of Canada, told Farms.com today. “We have to constantly be looking at the next opportunities for the crop and this investment into research and innovation is critical for the success of the industry.”
The Canola Council of Canada will use the funding to support its six project themes.
The project areas include exploring the value of canola as a livestock feed ingredient, optimizing yields and increasing sustainability.
All six themes “are incredibly important to addressing Agriculture Canada’s views on climate change,” Everson said. “They are also good from a producer standpoint because, if farmers are reducing their environmental footprints, there’s a good chance they’re saving money too.
“The theme on knowledge transfer is very important as well. Once we’ve conducted studies and examined results, we need to be able to effectively communicate our findings to others in the industry so they too can benefit from what we’ve found.”
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