Clearer rules for biotech - US agencies collaborate

May 10, 2024


The US government is updating its regulations for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The EPA, FDA, and USDA are collaborating to improve transparency and streamline the approval process for these products.

Public confidence in the safety of GMOs is a major focus of the plan. The new approach emphasizes clear guidelines for developers and improved communication between regulatory agencies. This collaboration will ensure a consistent and efficient oversight system.

The plan addresses a wide range of biotechnologies, including genetically modified plants and animals, as well as microbe-based products. Additionally, it explores the development of a user-friendly online tool to guide innovators through the regulatory process.

This initiative is designed to strike a balance between encouraging innovation and safeguarding public health. By clarifying regulations and fostering collaboration, the US aims to position itself as a leader in the responsible development and use of biotechnology.

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