“This is an exciting opportunity as I’m honoured and humbled to serve as the Deputy Premier, Min of Agriculture, Min of Justice & Public Safety and Attorney General of Prince Edward Island,” Thompson said on Twitter on April 15.
Thompson is a third-generation dairy farmer, graduate of Dalhousie Agricultural College and a past board member of Dairy Farmers of PEI.
“Thompson has travelled to the United States, Japan, Portugal and other countries, lending his professional expertise in bovine livestock breeding to the dairy industry,” his government bio says.
Prior to his appointment to the ag portfolio, Thompson served as the minister of economic growth, tourism and culture.
Thompson replaces Darlene Compton, who served as the province’s ag minister since July 2022.
Compton won her riding of Belfast-Murray River and could be the next Speaker in P.E.I.
In total and including Premier King, P.E.I. has 12 cabinet members with five new faces.
“I wanted to have some experience. I wanted to have some new energy as well,” the premier told CBC.