Alberta crops look positive amid moist harvest

Oct 14, 2014

Central Alberta has been experiencing a number of challenges

Crop yield in Alberta has been acceptable, but Central Alberta has been experiencing a number of challenges with their harvest. The issues come as little surprise to farmers in the region as they only had limited time with ideal weather conditions before wet weather limited productivity throughout the province.

Central Alberta farmers have fallen behind in their harvest. Presently, 58 percent of crops have been harvested which is an increase from 39 percent from the week before – so it was a busy week. It is estimated that the rest of the province has been able to complete 72 percent of their harvest thus far. According to Lukas Matejovsky, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development crop statistician, the sunny and relatively dry weather conditions experienced in early October need to continue for Albertan farmers to continue to harvest successfully.

Earlier in the summer, experts predicted that the poor weather was expected to limit the quantity of crops harvested, as well as their quality, but the quality is better than previously anticipated. Matejovsky suggests that crop quality should be higher than average and is optimistic for Alberta’s harvest. Over 85 percent of durum and more than 90 percent of spring wheat are expected to be at a level 3 grade or higher, and barley is expected to have 70 percent in grade 1. Food grades vary according to crops and take into consideration many factors such as appearance, moisture content, ergot and inseparable weed seeds.

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