The service is free for producers within the participating counties and they don’t even have to leave their farms to dispose of the bags. Farmers outside of the communities may be able to participate if they pay a fee, but that cost hasn’t been finalized yet.
The program is scheduled to begin in November.
“What we’re asking is that farmers call us up when they have grain bags to dispose of,” Paula Law, reeve of Lacombe County, told today. “We’ll come out to the farm with a grain bag roller and help the farmer get the bag collected. We will then deliver the bags to a recycling centre.”
The bags are processed into pellets, which are then used by a local plastics manufacturer.
Participation in the recycling program also gives producers an environmentally friendly disposal option.
“It’s an important program to be a part of because right now producers only have two options for grain bag disposal,” Law said. “They can either bury them on their own properties or take them to the nearest waste transfer and put them in the landfill. What we’re offering is a more environmentally (friendly) option that also has the potential to help local businesses.”
Farmers need to meet three criteria to be eligible for the program.
A person must be on site to assist County workers with the grain bag rolling and collection, the bags must be free of grain, mud, dirt and debris, and producers should schedule collection within a week of extraction.
Producers who wish to have their grain bags recycled can contact Lacombe County’ Krista Pannebecker to enroll. She can be reached at 403-782-8959 or by email.
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