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Portable Squeeze Chute, Alley & Tub Demo | Portable Q-Catch 86 Series | Arrowquip

Aug 06, 2020

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Video: Portable Squeeze Chute, Alley & Tub Demo | Portable Q-Catch 86 Series | Arrowquip

The Portable Q-Catch 86 Series Cattle Handling System gives you all of the features and accessibility you need with the added benefit of portability!

The system is built on a single piece steel frame, ensuring the strength and durability of your portable system, and includes the world-renowned Q-Catch 86 Series cattle chute, 8’ Adjustable Alley, and Cattle Crowding Tub which is BudFlow® ready. The quick transition from a portable to stationary unit with four easy steps makes the Portable Q-Catch 86 Series Cattle Handling System the ideal option for a rancher who requires a complete portable cattle handling system.