"Pea proteins have shown promising results for plant-based cheese production. Peas and other legumes are rich in proteins and its production is sustainable and local, since they can be cultivated in Denmark. We know how dairy protein behaves, but now we must become familiar with the nature of plant proteins and the way they perform under fermentation conditions, which is what cheese production is about," says Carmen Masiá, an Industrial Ph.D. researcher at the Department of Food Science.
The researcher has succeeded in creating a "functional base for plant-based cheese" made from pea proteins that creates a foundation for cheese production. Simply put, the researchers have fermented this base and produced a prototype of a plant cheese based on yellow peas, which is a great starting point to further develop flavor on top of it, according to the researcher behind it.
"Using fermentation, a plant-based cheese can develop character and a more complex flavor profile," explains Masiá.
Cheese code has yet to be cracked
According to Masiá, the code for how to make tasty, nutritious cheese with the right texture using plant proteins has yet to be cracked. The majority of the plant-based cheese products on the market today are mostly based on coconut oil and water, a recipe that she doesn't see as worth settling for.
"With a cheese based on coconut oil, you have a cheap product that somewhat resembles dairy-based cheese on appearance. But it's nowhere near being the same experience for the consumer as a dairy cheese when it comes to texture, taste and nutritional content, mainly because there's no protein in it," Masiá says.
Other than coconut oil, today's plant-based cheeses are also made from nuts. But according to the researcher, this is problematic for reasons beyond taste and texture.
"Nut-based cheeses are expensive to produce and the production of these raw materials is less sustainable than the one of legumes. This is why we should direct more of our attention towards the latter in the future. Indeed, our results with peas demonstrate the great potential of legumes for this type of products."
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