The Wisconsin Pork Association Youth Committee is once again offering Youth Pig Project scholarships. These scholarships are designed to assist 4-H and FFA members in establishing swine projects that can lead to development of life skills and career opportunities in the Wisconsin pork industry.
4-H and FFA youth are eligible to apply for a $50.00 scholarship used to offset costs associated with their 2016 pig project. Scholarships will be awarded in three age divisions, as follows: Ages 9-12, 13-15, and 16-19 (as of January 1, 2016). At least ten $50.00 scholarships will be awarded.
Interested youth may download the scholarship application form from the WPA website at or call the WPA office at 800-822-7675 to have a copy mailed. Completed application forms must be submitted no later than February 1, 2016.
The 2016 Youth Pig Project Scholarships are being made possible in part by the following sponsors: Clothier Genetics; Giese Show Pigs; Goplin Show Pigs; Graff Show Pigs; Hardyman Family Show Pigs; J&M Genetics; Krebs Farms; Magolski Farms; Marzahl Prospects; Monson Show Pigs; Robert Walstra & Family; and West Central WI Show Pig Sale.
Source: IowaPork