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Speaker series offers unique educational and networking opportunity for all Expo attendees
Tulare, CA (AgPR) Jan. 25, 2017 – Conversations, inventions and innovations are on display at the 50th World Ag Expo, February 14-16, 2017 thanks to Women in Agriculture for Mentoring & Empowerment (WAME). All men and women involved in farming and agricultural businesses are invited to join the conversation in the Seminar Tent for a 3-day learning opportunity.
“We’re thrilled with this year’s lineup of speakers,” said WAME event organizer Pamela Sweeten. “The Expo seminars provide a tremendous opportunity for farmers and agriculture professionals to gather new ideas, ask questions, exchange insight and develop business strategies to feed the growing world.”
Included in their Expo admission price, farmers and agriculture professionals can participate in a dozen educational seminars addressing topics such as business management, professional development and biggest issue facing agriculture today.
Plan to join us for one of a kind networking events. Each morning before the opening of the show stop by the seminar tent for a cup of coffee and engaging discussion with individuals actively involved agriculture. Wrap up the first two days with a reception hosted by Sigma Alpha, WAME and American Agri-Women.
The speaker series organized by The Women in Agriculture for Mentoring Empowerment runs all three days of the World Ag Expo. Although the series is organized by WAME, they encourage both men and women to attend.
The WAME speaker series is possible because of sponsorships from Garton Tractor, InsureCAL Insurance Agency, CCI Marketing, and P. Sweeten Consulting.
A full schedule and list of speakers is provided below.
For the most current information on the event, or to register, visit
Women in Agriculture for Mentoring and Empowerment (WAME) seek to bridge the gap between the young professional workforce and industry. By connecting young people in high school and college with mentors we endeavor to guide them in rising to their full potential and make them aware of all of the opportunities which are available to them through agriculture. We provide professional development, networking opportunities, and statistics on career fields for our mentors, members, and guests and seek to aid them in remaining connected through our website, free lectures, social media, and conferences.
2017 World Ag Expo WAME Seminar Schedule
TUESDAY, February 14, 2017
7:00am -9:15am Coffee Talk – Hosted by American Agri-Women, join us for your morning NETWORKING and coffee before the show opens. Visit with other exhibitors and presenters and enter to win prizes.
9:30am - 10:30am Let’s talk Water - Kay Mercer, Kay Mercer Inc ; Josh Weimer, Turlock Irrigation District Water is at a critical point in CA, from Central Valley Project, State Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), State Water Resources Control Board’s Bay Delta Plan and Waters of the United States (WOTUS), learning from experts about the issues facing CA Ag and beyond. What happens in CA usually finds a way to your state and farm.
10:45am - 11:45am Career Hunt Essentials for College Students - Shannon Douglas, Director of Outreach CalAgJobs Head out into the career world with the tools essential for your success. Learn tips on how to find jobs and internships and how to present yourself in the best way possible to earn a job or internship. Your resume is critical and we will focus much of our time on making your resume the best it can be.
12:00pm - 1:30pm WAME Fertile Ground Award Luncheon - Women in Ag for Mentoring and Empowerments board of directors has chosen to honor an individual who exemplifies a selfless attitude of service to young people through her desire to see them be successful. Her outstanding service and leadership on the Fresno State University Campus has shown through in the success that the students have achieved in Ag industry.
1:30pm - 2:00pm Knowing your Market Multi Channel Marketing - Hylon Kaufmann, Marketing & Business Development Manager at Ranch Systems LLC ; Multi Channel Marketing for Agriculture, knowing your markets and your customers.
2:15pm -2:45pm #AgDay365 - Doris Mold, President, American Agri-Women, ; "National Ag Day" is celebrated on or around the first day of spring. It is meant to help increase public awareness of agriculture's vital role in society. We in the industry know the vital role, but does the public really understand it? Consumers are wary and in some cases fearful of their food and agriculture. They need to connect with their food and we as agriculturalists need to be the ones providing the connection and the true story of agriculture. Find out about #AgDay365 and how we are truly celebrating and advocating for Ag every day and how you can help connect with consumers, as well. Visit
3:00pm - 3:45pm Agriculture Needs Your Voice! Power it UP on social media - Arleana Waller, CEO, SheGlobal Power, ; Your Ag engagement on social media. Social media is all about people and engaging with people. Learn how to build relationships, share information, and connect with diverse audience of people you may never meet in real life. We will discuss how to interact on social media, whether it is Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest, to develop a community and share your story in a way that gets the general public to still have faith in farmers and ranchers, and modern farm practices.
4:00pm - 4:30pm Ag Insurance Tricks of the Trade - Brandi LoForti, InsureCAL Insurance Agency ; Detailed information about the importance of having an insurance advisor who specializes in ag insurance. There are many carriers who specialize in ag insurance, policies vary by carrier, and based on your operation, one may be more beneficial than another. She will share what to look for when shopping or questions to ask your current agent.
4:30pm Reception hosted by Sigma Alpha Ag Sorority ; Join us for Networking with local and national officers as well as alumni.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
7:00am -9:15am Coffee Talk - Women in Ag for Mentoring and Empowerment & California Women for Ag - Sponsors Join us for your morning NETWORKING and coffee before the show opens, visit with other exhibitors and presenters.
9:30am - 10:30am Getting your farm set up for FSMA - April Mackie, Director of Food Safety & Regulatory Compliance, Monterey County Farm Bureau; Cynthia Klein, CEO at CK Solutions Group LLC; Sandy Fleck, Agriculture Industry Association Specialist, Zenith Insurance Company; Learn the basics your farm needs to have in place for Food Safety Modernization Act, from a consultant, insurance and company perspectives.
10:45am - 11:45am Duarte Nursery v. Corps of Engineers, John Duarte and Anthony L. (Tony) François, Pacific Legal Foundation - John Duarte and Anthony Francois have been fighting the lawsuit that the Board of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board began in 2013. In that year the Corps of Engineers sent a cease and desist letter to Duarte, ordering suspension of his farming operation in Tehama County, California, based on alleged violations of the Clean Water Act. Listen to Duarte’s account of this legal battle and how the Corps did not follow due process or diligence when making these accusations. For some background information before the session, visit the case’s webpage at
12:00pm - 1:30pm Ag Careers Panel - Take an opportunity to hear from experts in the agricultural industry about their day-to-day experiences in the agriculture industry. The panel will discuss ways you can break into their industries and give ideas to those fresh on the job hunt or looking for a change in direction.
1:40pm - 2:05pm Ag & Crisis Communications: When Things Go Wrong - Holly Carter, President, Carter & Co. Communications; is your business prepared in the event of a crisis? If the media came to your facility in the wake of an accident or food borne illness, are you prepared to respond? It isn't if, but when a crisis will occur. Knowing how to react in these crisis situations is critical and affects the success and reputation of your brand. Carter will walk you through the steps of preparing your organization to communicate with employees, customers, suppliers, media, and the public at large when a crisis hits. Don’t miss this crucial conversation.
2:15pm -2:45pm Grassroots Lobbying - Heather Hampton+Knodle, Vice President at Knodle, Ltd. and Shannon Groves, Assemblywoman Emeritus of the California State Assembly and President of Continental Labor and Staffing Resources; Come learn how important lobbying is. As a voter, you have the most powerful tool available on Capitol Hill, your vote. You have the ability to hold each representative accountable to you as a constituent. Without hearing from you, your legislator does not know what is important to you. Your recommendation may be the deciding factor in a member’s decision to vote for or against a bill. You make a difference!
3:00pm - 3:45pm The Changing Role of Women in Agriculture - California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, Dr. Glenda Humiston Vice-President of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and Doris Mold, President of American Agri-Women. Women in agriculture appear to be a recent discovery, but for those in the "know" they have been involved in agriculture since the dawn of time. We will discuss the changing role of women in agriculture and delve into some surprising and not so surprising information, facts and figures about women in agriculture. Part of the session will include an interactive discussion on women in agriculture among session participants and discussion leaders.
4:00pm Wine Reception hosted by Women in Ag for Mentoring and Empowerment & American Agri-Women Enjoy a time of networking and connecting with peers while enjoying the best the central valley has to offer.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
7:00am -9:15am Coffee Talk - Join us for your morning NETWORKING and coffee before the show opens, visit with other exhibitors and presenters.
9:15am - 10:00am Media Training 101 - Heather Hampton+Knodle, Vice President at Knodle, Ltd. and Sabrina Hill, Farm News Director/Radio Host at AgNet West Radio Network; Cheryl Day, Editor, National Hog Farmer, Penton. Are you ready when the phone rings? Or a reporter shows up? Understanding your role as an advocate for agriculture. How to communicate with media, squash the fears and learn from the experts.
10:15am - 11:30am Career Panel - JoAnn Wall, Managing General Partner at Mid Coast Property Management; Danee McMahan, Cowboy Bling Designs; Cheryl Day, Editor, National Hog Farmer, Penton; and Doris Mold, President American Agri-Women; looking at ag careers from a local, regional, state and national levels and the opportunities that are available. What are you seeking for your career path? Come ask questions and learn about paths that are out of the box.
11:45am - 12:30pm Team Innovation/Cohesiveness - Kristine Ranger, Consultant/Coach at The Learning Connection; Do you need help with your team? Learn how to build cohesiveness with your team and inspire innovative platform for your team members.
12:45pm - 1:30pm Beck's Why I Farm Road Trip - Honoring Farmers Across America - Natalina Sents is on a yearlong, 50 state road trip to honor farmers with the “Why I Farm Movement”. This session highlights diversity in American agriculture and explores storytelling through blogs and social media. Follow her journey at,, or on
1:45pm - 2:30pm Stepping into the Role as Farm Manager - Ruth Rabinowitz, Regenerative Farm Management/ Farm Consultant; Sharing my hands-on experience of managing our corn/soybean farming as well as forest, wetland, slough, native prairie management and conservation practices in Iowa and working extensively with the USDA/NRCS/DNR and non-profits Trees Forever and Xerces Society to put conservation in place on our 10 Iowa Farms. In addition to managing a diversified agriculture profile, Rabinowitz works in professional photography by documenting her farms with before and after images. She uses Facebook;, and social media as a medium to connect and build community with those in Iowa while working from her home office in California. She utilizes social media as a tool to document her family’s commitment to the land. She will also discuss sustainable farm leasing agreements and hunting leases she manages.