Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trial Data
Winter wheat yield data from the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Trials (MCVET) is in for the 2024 growing season. This data provides farmers with unbiased information regarding regional variety performance, allowing for variety comparison. Data was derived from small plot replicated trails from locations across Manitoba. Fungicides were not applied to these plots; thus, true genetic potential can be evaluated. Although considerable amounts of data are collected from MCVET, the disease ratings are from variety registration data.
below summarizes the yield results from the 2024 MCVET data by trial location. The yield results represent 2024 data only, therefore long-term trends should be considered when making variety selection decisions. Previous yield data can be found in past editions of Seed Manitoba. As well, apart from yield, there are other variety characteristics to consider when making variety selection decisions, such as disease, insect and lodging resistance. Check out this Manitoba Crop Alliance article for more information on considerations when selecting a new cereal variety.
Table 2 also indicates if there were yield differences between varieties at each trial site. If there was a significant yield difference the least significant difference (LSD) is also included. The LSD signifies the smallest difference necessary in bushels per acre for two varieties to be considered significantly different from each other.