Wheatland Conservation Area Presents Latest Research at Cropportunities 2013

Mar 15, 2013

Bryan Nybo, Manager, Wheatland Conservation Area Inc., offered an update on several types of research and ADOPT demonstrations conducted in 2012 that are of interest to southwest producers at Cropportunities 2013.
WCA is a non-profit group with a producer-sourced Board of Governors, so their research is relevant to what’s happening in local field conditions. Their partners include Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, SaskCanola, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, University of Saskatchewan, Ducks Unlimited, Agri-ARM Applied Research Sites, and Reisner Seeds of Limerick, SK.
Nybo’s insightful presentations helped to make producers aware of the work that WCA is doing and the vast amount of research and data that has been gleaned from projects such as new crop varieties, novel crops, enhancing input uptake efficiency, optimum seeding dates for some of the new crops, and the effect of increased stubble heights on soil moisture.
“We ran 45 projects so we can’t talk about everything, but just the tip of the iceberg and introduce them to as many projects as possible so they can contact us later or get on the website," he said following his presentation at the Sky Centre on March 12.
“There is a lot of information and a lot of data out there that’s not really accessible that easily for the farmers, so these ADOPT projects, for example, are set up so we can set them up in the field and use it as a venue to talk about variety improvements that they may not know about yet.”
He noted it is important that producers use the information when it is available because it could save them both time and money.
“We can do a lot of work and get a lot of data but if the producer’s not using it there’s not much value to it. That’s our main purpose is to help out the producer, make it more economically viable, try out a few products that maybe don’t work and save the farmer trying it on a thousand acres.”

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