Thanks to mainly to revisions to past crop years, Canadian all wheat ending stocks for 2024-25 are poised to see a significant increase.
National all wheat ending stocks for the current crop year were pegged at 5.05 million tonnes in updated monthly supply-demand estimates released by Agriculture Canada on Wednesday. That is up sharply from the August estimate of just 2.8 million and above the revised 2023-24 stocks of 4.583 million.
Durum ending stocks for 2024-25 are now seen at 1.05 million tonnes, up from 800,000 in August and 576,000 a year earlier, while wheat (excl durum) stocks doubled from last month to 4 million, versus 4.007 million in 2023-24.
This month’s heavier ending stocks estimates can be mainly attributed to Statistics Canada’s August crop production report, which contained historical revisions that raised both production and ending stocks for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 crop years, increases that were then carried forward into 2024-25.