By Nolan Anderson and Adam Sisson
Wheat diseases annually reduce yield in the United States and Canada. Diseases of importance vary by year, and diseases that affect yield are based on multiple factors, including environmental conditions, crop production practices, and susceptibility of a given variety to disease.
Plant pathologists representing 29 wheat-producing U.S. states and two Canadian provinces estimated the percent yield losses from wheat disease in their state or province. These reports account for 88.8 percent (1.75 billion bushels) of the total wheat produced in the United States and 35.6 percent (458 million bushels) of the total wheat produced in Canada in 2024 (Figure 1). The yield loss estimates include root, stem, foliar, head, and kernel diseases in the states/provinces represented in this survey. Additional information on yield and economic losses due to wheat diseases can be accessed at the CPN Field Crop Disease and Insect Loss Calculator.
This publication documents the impact of major diseases on wheat production during 2024. The North Central Regional Committee on Management of Small Grain Diseases (NCERA 184) and the Western Wheat Workers (WERA 97) revise the wheat disease loss estimates annually. It is important to note that methods for estimating disease loss vary by state or province. The estimates may be based on statewide disease surveys; feedback from university Extension, industry, farmer representatives; and personal experience with disease losses.