A program launched by the Western College of Veterinary Medicine two years ago to provide summer work experience to veterinary students could expanded to other veterinary colleges.The Western College of Veterinary Medicine is recruiting students for the third year of its WCVM Pharmhouse Summer Student Swine Experience Program.
Dr. John Harding, a professor in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, says interviewing is expected to continue until the middle of October with placement planned for the summer of 2023.
Clip-Dr. John Harding-Western College of Veterinary Medicine:
The program is a 12-week work placement similar to a coop placement in other universities, targeted at first and second year WCVM students regardless of their past experience in the industry or in agriculture for that matter.
The overarching goal is to expose students to pigs and the swine industry and the swine veterinary profession and really it's an introduction that we hope will lead to recruitment of swine veterinarians in Canada and it is really meant for those who have a bit of experience in agriculture or really those who don't have any experience at all in agriculture.