Wessington Springs Hosts Annual Springs Showdown Calf Show

Nov 15, 2017

4-H youth and other beef project enthusiasts packed the Jerauld-Buffalo Counties 4-H grounds November 5, 2017, to participate in the annual Springs Showdown Calf Show.
Eighty youth from Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota exhibited 90 breeding heifers and 50 market steers and heifers. The show also included a 4-H livestock judging contest and livestock skill-a-thon.
"This show provided 4-H youth with a great opportunity to demonstrate their beef and livestock knowledge," said Audra Scheel, SDSU Extension 4-H Youth Program Advisor - Sanborn, Aurora & Jerauld/Buffalo Counties.
Brady Jensen, South Dakota State University Livestock Judging Coach evaluated the cattle and youth showmanship skills. 
"Tremendous quality throughout the show," Jensen told spectators and exhibitors as he chose the top five in the steer show at the end of the day.
Several individuals and area businesses sponsored the event.
"As a non-profit show, sponsors play a huge role in the success of this show and we couldn't do it without their support. $10,000 in sponsorships and entry fees were paid back to youth in attendance," Erin Yost, Springs Showdown committee treasurer. 
Top five overall breeding heifers included: Champion, Sydney Johnsen, Wessington, with a purebred Simmental heifer; Reserve Champion, Storm Johnsen, Wessington, with a Maine-Anjou heifer; third place, Trevor Bergh, Florence, with an Angus heifer; fourth place, Lex Larson, Valentine, Nebraska, with a Hereford heifer; fifth place, Harlee Heim, Wessington Springs, with a Foundation Simmental heifer.
Top five overall market beef included: Champion, Tate Bergh, Florence, with a crossbred steer; Reserve Champion, Abbi Henderson, Adel, Iowa, with a Charolais steer; third place, JD Thompson, Wessington Springs, with a Chianina steer; fourth place, Talli Heim, Wessington Springs, with a crossbred steer; and fifth place, Abbi Henderson, Adel, Iowa, with a market heifer.
Top five beginner showmanship winners: Champion, Kinsly Altena, George, Iowa; Reserve Champion, Piper Blum, Reliance; third place, Chance Blum, Reliance; fourth place, Teagan Scheel, Alpena; fifth place, Kerstynn Heim, Wessington Springs.
Top five junior showmanship winners: Champion, Raylee Fagerhaug, Wessington Springs; Reserve Champion, Trever Bergh, Florence; third place, Payton Beare, Ree Heights; fourth place, Sydney Johnsen, Wessington; fifth place, Lex Larson, Valentine, Nebraska.
Top five senior showmanship winners: Champion, Fletcher Larson, Valentine, Nebraska; Reserve Champion, Storm Johnsen, Wessington; third place, Allyson Beninga, Sioux Falls; fourth place, Lauren Verlinde, Tracy, Minnesota; fifth place, NaLea Dunsmore, Wessington. 
4-H Livestock Judging Contest
Thirty-nine youth competed in the livestock judging contest. Youth evaluated feeder calves, market goats, and breeding ewes. The beginner ages also tested their knowledge with sheep parts identification while junior and senior age groups evaluated a sow class based on EPDs.
Top Five Beginners:
First place, Teagan Scheel, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Second place, Kerstynn Heim, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Third place, Jayna Blume, Hughs County
Fourth place, Rylan Fagerhaug, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Fifth place, Makynna Heim, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Top Five Juniors:
First place, Mason Schelske, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Second place, Payton Tobin, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Third place, Landen Christensen, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Fourth place, Payton Beare, Hand County
Fifth place, Dillon Kammerer, Meade County
Top Five Seniors:
First place, Riley Larson, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Second place, Talli Heim, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Third place, Quinten Christensen, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Fourth place, Sawyer Naasz, Brule County
Fifth place, Lex Larson, Cherry County, Nebraska
4-H Livestock Skill-a-thon
Youth tested their knowledge identifying breeds of livestock and the continent they originated. In the equipment category youth identified tools used with artificial insemination. The parts of digestive systems in swine and goats were identified. Youth also were able to look at 17 different cuts of meat from a beef animal and label the retail and whole cuts accordingly. 
Top Two Seniors:
First place, Quinten Christensen, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Second place, Sawyer Naasz, Brule County
Top Two Juniors/Beginners:
First place, Carissa Scheel, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
Second place, Mason Schelske, Jerauld-Buffalo Counties
During the Springs Showdown Calf Show the following five beginner showmanship winners include: Champion, Kinsly Altena, George, Iowa; Reserve Champion, Piper Blum, Reliance; third place, Chance Blum, Reliance; fourth place, Teagan Scheel, Alpena and fifth place, Kerstynn Heim, Wessington Springs.
During the Springs Showdown Calf Show, the top five senior showmanship winners include: Champion, Fletcher Larson, Valentine, Nebraska; Reserve Champion, Storm Johnsen, Wessington; third place, Allyson Beninga, Sioux Falls; fourth place, Lauren Verlinde, Tracy, Minnesota and fifth place, NaLea Dunsmore, Wessington.
During the Springs Showdown Calf Show the top five junior showmanship winners include: Champion, Raylee Fagerhaug, Wessington Springs; Reserve Champion, Trever Bergh, Florence; third place, Payton Beare, Ree Heights; fourth place, Sydney Johnsen, Wessington and fifth place, Lex Larson, Valentine, Nebraska.

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