“Water is a precious resource for livestock producers, especially in times of drought,” says Shawn Elgert, agricultural water engineer with the Alberta government. “Water conservation can help reduce costs, improve animal health and productivity, and protect the environment for our future.”
Elgert says there are several things producers can do to conserve water for livestock, starting with keeping livestock out of the water sources. Livestock can contaminate water sources with feces, urine and pathogens, which can affect the quality and quantity of water available. Livestock can also damage the banks and vegetation of water sources, leading to erosion and sedimentation. To prevent these problems, fence off water sources and provide off-source watering systems, such as troughs, tanks, or pipelines. See Off-Source Watering Systems for Livestock fact sheet for further information.
“Drought proof size and protect dugouts to capture and preserve more runoff so it doesn’t just overflow downstream and so you can have water in a time of drought,” says Elgert. “A 2-year drought supply is a good rule of thumb to design for. Dugouts should be sized according to the water demand, the runoff potential and the climate of the area.”
A dugout should be located in an area where it can be filled 8 out of 10 years to be feasible. Dugouts also lose water through evaporation, and sometimes seepage. Covers can be utilized to reduce algal growth and evaporation of the water and, if necessary, liners can be installed to prevent seepage. Monitor your dugout regularly for water quality problems. See Quality Farm Dugouts Manual for further information.