- Reduced appetite
- A fever of more than 103 degrees
- Increased respiratory rate
- Lethargy
- Decreased milk production
- Cough
- Excessive nasal discharge
Producers should work with their large animal veterinarian to develop the best possible protocol for their specific operations, Whitworth said. It may also be a good idea to consult a cattle nutritionist, if available, as numerous studies have shown proper nutrition contributes to good immune function in cattle. Additional management techniques proven to be useful include:
- Test and quarantine new additions to the herd
- Reduce cow stress
- Institute an annual pneumonia vaccination program
- Keep detailed animal-health records
Animal-health records are important management tools in evaluating whether a different antibiotic may need to be selected or if more aggressive treatment may be required, Whitworth said. Again, a good producer-veterinarian relationship where the veterinarian is familiar with the specific operation will provide dividends.
“Also, remember that pneumonia can be pretty good at disguising itself as the cause of death,” he said. “If a cow dies unexpectedly, ask your veterinarian to perform a necropsy and verify the cause of death. Finding out for sure is just good risk management for any operation.”
Viruses involved with summer pneumonia in cattle include bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus. Environmental characteristics that increase the likelihood of pneumonia are hot, dry and dusty conditions. The larger the herd, the greater the chance of animals contracting summer pneumonia.
OSU Agriculture fact sheets detailing research-based information about dairy cattle management practices are available online and through all OSU Extension county offices.
Source : okstate.edu