Research conducted by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and CDPQ indicates the use of vitamin supplementation offers an alternative to address diarrhea in piglets. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in collaboration with CDPQ and the Western College of Veterinary Medicine is exploring the potential of providing supplemental dietary vitamins to the sow during gestation along with a commercial vaccine to stimulate maternal antibody production in hopes of passing increased immunity to neonatal and postweaning diarrhea.
Hannah Burlet, a graduate student with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, says the pressure to find alternative methods to protect piglets from diarrhea is mounting.
Quote-Hannah Burlet-Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada-Western College of Veterinary Medicine:
Both neonatal diarrhea and post weaning diarrhea are umbrella terms that we use to refer to diarrheal diseases impacting newly born and newly weaned piglets respectively.Both are caused by a range of different bacteria and viruses which are mostly opportunistic pathogens.