Does the recent rally signal a fundamental shift in the hog market?
The increase in prices is a most welcome relief to what has been a terrible stretch for the pork production community. However, I tend to think that this is more of a correction to get markets aligned rather than an outright rally indication. I will cite two items from our esteemed economist, Dr. Steve Meyer. The first depicts the implied demand curves for wholesale pork and where we sit right now, this is a Dr. Meyer staple. There is good news in this data. First, we have moved the 2024 projection higher over the past six months as real demand has improved. Not to the nirvana of our 2021-2022 experience, but nicely off the well-trodden green line observations from 2010-2020. This shift allows profits to flow through the packer and into the producer – yes, we projecting a small profit in 2024, a welcome relief from the dismal 2023 showing.
The second chart is part and parcel to the first, as the futures market (represented by the green dots) has moved higher to meet the economic predictions for 2024. These two things are consistent with one another. As we have witnessed an outward shift of the demand curve, the futures market has recognized the change and has increased in value to reflect the more positive scenario. This is great news ... but let's not get too far in front of our skis and think we are on the cusp of significant run. Not yet. We will need to see a larger disparity to compel us to forecast an outright, unbridled rally in the market. This subtle shift we have experienced is welcome. Please note that the summer months have largely come inline with the flow, the fourth quarter has yet to respond with any significance and may be the place where opportunities still exist to be patient.
Was there anything notable at the Ag Outlook Forum?