USMEF : Weekly USMEF Audio Report: Asian Markets a "Shovel-Ready Stimulus" for U.S. Beef Industry

Sep 15, 2009

USMEF Chairman-elect Jim Peterson has just returned from Asia, where he visited China, South Korea and Japan. Peterson, a rancher from Buffalo, Mont., says untapped opportunities in these countries represent a “shovel-ready stimulus” for the U.S. beef industry, if market access issues can be overcome. He notes the industry especially needs modification of the 20-month cattle age limit Japan imposes on U.S. beef, and that the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement could provide relief from high tariffs in that market.

Peterson also discusses his visit with executives from Daiei (pronounced: DIE-YAY), Japan’s third-largest supermarket chain.

Audio Link: Jim Peterson on Asian Market Opportunities

USMEF Chairman-elect Jim Peterson

Source : U.S. Meat Export Federation

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