“A growing narrative amongst some academics and political figures has negatively portrayed beef production regarding environmental sustainability,” said Christopherson, who is pursuing his master’s degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics through the USask College of Agriculture and Bioresources. “Recent research discusses the importance that these emissions be viewed as a natural cycle, with methane being converted to carbon dioxide and then returned to soils via plant growth.”
Christopherson is in the early stages of his research, but initial results from reviewing recent research demonstrate that the soils used in forage production have high carbon storage potential – good news in that storing carbon in soil can lead to healthier plant production and keeps carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Christopherson said his research is applicable to consumers, the general public, and to policy groups that seek to understand the environmental impact of beef production. The research will also serve as a great tool to help producers recognize how production autonomy, sustainability, and financial stability fit into their production processes.
“Paired with the limited use of agricultural inputs, tillage, and machinery, the carbon emissions from forage production appear to be low,” said Christopherson. “The net [carbon] emissions from the forage production cycle represent a large portion of the total emissions of beef production, and furthering the understanding of this topic will add to the information available to consumers.”
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