US Corn, Soy Growers Both Left Disappointed by Renewable Fuel Requirements

Jun 22, 2023

American corn and soybean growers were both left disappointed after the US Environmental Protection Agency announced its final renewable fuel volume obligations for 2023, 2024, and 2025. 

Formally announced Wednesday, the new obligations under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard will require 2.82 billion gallons of bio and renewable diesel to be blended into the nation’s fuel supply in 2023, unchanged from the EPA’s preliminary rule released back in December. For 2024 and 2025, the requirements rise to 3.04 billion and 3.35 billion gallons, versus the EPA’s December targets of 2.89 billion and 2.95 billion. 

For conventional corn-based ethanol, the EPA set an implied 15.25-billion-gallon requirement for 2023, up 250 million gallons from its original proposal. For 2024 and 2025, the EPA held the implied volume level at 15 billion gallons, despite initially calling for 15.25 billion gallons for those two years.