By Amit Jhala
Enlist corn and Enlist soybean producers in Nebraska will be able to use Enlist ONE (2,4-D Choline) and Enlist DUO (2,4-D Choline + Glyphosate) herbicides in the 2022 growing season after the United States Environmental Protection Agency revised guideline on March 29, 2022.
On Jan. 11 2022, EPA issued seven-year registrations for Enlist Duo and Enlist One. Both herbicides are being applied in Enlist Soybean and Enlist Corn primarily for control of glyphosate-resistant marestail, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in Nebraska. At that time, Enlist One and Enlist Duo were prohibited to use in 32 Nebraska counties. Counties were prohibited if they were not proposed for use by the product registrant, Corteva, or if EPA expected the use of Enlist products would likely affect or jeopardize federally threatened or endangered (listed) species that live on-field in a county.
“Based on U.S. EPA’s new effects determination, which included a robust analysis of updated species range maps from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), EPA expects that the use of these products — with the existing label requirements in place to mitigate spray drift and pesticide runoff — will not likely jeopardize the American Burying Beetle or other listed species and their critical habitats in these counties,” EPA detailed in its announcement.