Upcoming field days to feature the latest in beef cattle research

Jun 04, 2014

URBANA, Ill. - Illinois beef producers will have the opportunity to engage in discussion with University of Illinois faculty, researchers, and Extension educators at four upcoming field days, featuring the latest in beef cattle research. 

A research update and farm tours will be given at the U of I’s off-campus research stations, Dudley Smith Farm (Pana, Ill.), Dixon Springs Ag Center (Simpson,Ill.), and Orr Research Center (Perry, Ill.). All programs require RSVP.

“Participants can gain insight into the latest research, industry trends, and new management strategies that can all help them make more profitable decisions,” said Travis Meteer, a U of I beef Extension educator.

The Dudley Smith field day will be held on Tuesday, June 24, at the farm in Christian County near Pana, Ill. The program will start with registration at 9:30 a.m. Discussions on grazing management and supplementing cows on pasture will be featured with a tour of the farm following the discussions.

The Dixon Springs field day will be held on Thursday, July 31, at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center in Simpson, Ill. The meeting will start at 5 p.m. The program will focus on reproductive, nutritional, and forage research conducted at Dixon Springs.

The Orr Research Center field day will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 3, at the John Wood Community College Ag Center just off  IL Rt. 104, outside of Perry, Ill. The event will start at 5 p.m. After a discussion on management strategies and an update on research at the Orr Center, participants will be shuttled to the farm just 1 mile south and have an opportunity to tour the facility.

Another opportunity for southern Illinois producers is the Southern Illinois Beef Day. It will be held on Friday, July 18, at the Applied Science Center at Rend Lake College, Ina, Ill.  Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Topics include antibiotic issues and their effects on the cattle industry, non-nutritional reasons why cattle are not pregnant, and financial and forage production benefits of adaptive high-stock density grazing.

All locations will have refreshments available, but an RSVP is required.

Source: ACES

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