“Economically, CAFE opens doors for U of I to receive millions of dollars in grant funding for research, unleashing new ideas and innovative solutions for Idaho’s and the nation’s dairy industry,” he added.
Idaho’s dairy industry, which ranks third in the nation for milk production, strongly supports U of I’s CAFE project. Industry has donated more than $8.5 million to the project to date. Their investment will pay dividends by integrating animal and agronomy research resulting in improved strategies for forage production and nutrient management. Research will also help developed waste management systems that create valuable byproducts like fertilizers.
Research at CAFE will also help develop strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from animals, housing areas, waste systems, and in-field applications, advancing the dairy industry’s nationwide net zero initiative.
The Land Board determined buying the property and investing in the milking infrastructure as part of the CAFE project is in the best long-term interest of the beneficiary.
“This development of CAFE will yield good returns for students today and well into the future,” said Governor Brad Little. “The important research will help the dairy producers, manufacturers, and University of Idaho agricultural students and future veterinarians who will assist with the vast spectrum of research.”
“It will ensure our industry thrives, adding to Idaho’s diverse and vibrant economy, as well as preparing students to thrive in this industry,” he added.
Source : uidaho.edu