- silvopastures, which combines trees, pastures and livestock on the same land to provide multiple goods and services;
- polycultures, which refers to systems that integrate trees and shrubs with diverse non-woody plant species to promote interactions that can increase productivity and resilience in urban food-forests and home gardens—examples include alley cropping, windbreaks and buffers along waterways that can protect nearby rivers, streams and wetlands;
- forest farming systems, where intermediate-to high-shade tolerant crops are cultivated beneath a forest canopy so landowners can harvest timber as well as non-timber products, including medicinal plants, tree syrups, mushrooms and other wild edible and floriculture crops.
In the long term, researchers anticipate that this project will contribute to increasing local food production in New England by 15% and annual carbon sequestration by five million tons; will foster new agroforestry market opportunities; and will enhance New England’s capacity to balance food production with the benefits that forests provide.
“Other regions in the country have done similar research on agroforestry but there really hasn’t been a lot of related research here in New England which makes it challenging to make informed decisions,” said Asbjornsen. “One of our goals with this project is to establish a center for agroforestry research, education, and extension, which would also offer a training program in agroforestry for landowners, producers, managers, educators and other decision makers focused on adapting agroforestry practices to the New England landscape.”
UNH will partner with Dartmouth College and Yale University to bring a range of complementary resources and expertise. The three-pronged approach is to co-develop, implement and evaluate climate resilient agroforestry systems. UNH’s Cooperative Extension forestry and agricultural teams will provide training and technical support in agroforestry practices across diverse populations. Researchers will provide education to enhance knowledge of agroforestry as a climate-smart strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, increase market opportunities and enhance regionally appropriate climate adaptation and resilience.
Co-principal investigators include Steve Roberge, Alexandra Contosta and Kate Gaudet, all from UNH; Theresa Ong from Dartmouth University; and Mark Ashton from Yale University.
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Source : unh.edu