Tour stops include grazing paddocks, where participants will see a multi-species grazing system in operation. Raising multiple animal species allows them to use different parts of the pasture and reduce the risk of parasite infestations. The family also uses novel tall fescue varieties and native warm-season grasses, both of which reduce the potential for fescue toxicity issues during summer months.
The event concludes with dinner grilled by local landowners. The meal allows participants to connect with the Bowling family and learn more about the benefits of locally grown meats.
The Eastern Kentucky KFGC Field Day is open to the public, but organizers recommend preregistration. The event costs $10 per person to cover the meal. Participants should bring lawn chairs. To preregister, visit or contact Kate Adams at or 513-470-8171.
For more tour information and a list of other forage- and livestock-related events, visit the UK Forages website at
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