Bruce Burnett-CWB:
The indications in the U.S. are for a reduction in the corn acreage that we're going to see as well as an increase of soybeans.
Part of this has to do with the profitability of the corn crop outside of the main corn belt in those areas like North Dakota, parts of South Dakota.
The more fringe areas of production soybean profitability looks a lot better than the corn profitability this year so we should see a reduction in the corn acreage.
Of course this can change as prices change into the planting season.
But I think you're looking for about a million to two million acre reduction in corn area and possibly a similar type of increase in the soybean area, maybe even a little bit more as some spring wheat gets moved into soybeans as well.
Burnett acknowledges corn plantings in the U.S. will go a long way in determining what feed grain prices will be but he doesn't expect prices to move enough to change planting expectations on the prairies.
He says although the size of the U.S. corn crop will impact feed grain prices overall we're not going to see a big change in our planting intentions because of a change in the U.S. intentions.
Source: Farmscape