U of G Announces New Master of Sustainable Agriculture Program

Mar 20, 2024

A unique master’s program that will train the next wave of sustainability leaders in the global agricultural sector will soon launch at the University of Guelph. 

The new interdisciplinary master of sustainable agriculture (MSAg) from the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) will equip students with the latest advancements and skills in sustainable agriculture, data analysis and agri-tech innovations through graduate-level course work. The first cohort of the program will commence in the summer of 2025. 

During the 16-month program, students focus their studies in either plant agriculture, livestock agriculture, or environmental sciences. The course-based program provides a broad exploration of the various facets of the agriculture sector and how to mitigate its impact on the environment. 

Flexible course offerings and professional development opportunities allow students to customize their studies to match their career aspirations. Students can choose social science courses in agricultural economics, change communication and leadership to give them a broad perspective of sustainability and how to drive change in the sector. 

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