"We are focused on understanding mechanisms that are responsible for increasing phosphorus availability in materials like manure," says Leite.
Poultry manure is full of calcium and requires higher temperature treatments to turn the waste into biochar; however, these higher temperatures can have an effect on the amount of phosphorus available.
In order to ensure that the biochar contained sufficient available phosphorus, the researchers enriched it with another mineral, magnesium, which protected the phosphorus from the heat and enabled it to form more soluble forms of phosphorus.
Using the IDEAS and VLS-PGM beamlines at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), the researchers were able to visualize the connection between phosphorus and magnesium and confirm the success of their technique.
While phosphorus reserves are found across the globe, the nutrient is a finite resource. Finding ways to recycle the mineral is an important issue for scientists.
"There's no excuse for not using the phosphorus that is already in the food chain, for example, by reusing the waste that is already generated," says Leite.
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