Most of Missouri is experiencing drought conditions, which have extended almost a full year, putting enormous pressure on cattle producers. University of Missouri Extension specialists have five top action items for producers to do now:
1. Cull herd(opens in new window). Candidates include open females, cattle with health issues and poor dispositions and females bred outside of preferred calving windows. Wean calves early(opens in new window) to give flexibility; sell if water and feed are too expensive for pound of gain.
2. Find alternative feeds(opens in new window). Monitor costs of byproduct feed and compare costs to purchased hay and other feed. Energy typically is more limiting than protein.
3. Check toxicity of alternative feedstuffs(opens in new window). Using drought-stunted/stressed crops and summer annual forages, as well as grazing areas and purchased hay of marginal quality, can expose cattle to toxic forages. Know your risks and consult with your veterinarian.