CP KC works in coordination with Operation Lifesaver to bring attention to rail safety across our network. We conduct public education sessions on the dangers of unsafe behavior around tracks and trains. We also engage with local law enforcement, governments and communities to raise the awareness of public safety so that we can "Stop track tragedies".
Stats show that in 2023 alone, 73 Canadians were hurt or killed because they were on tracks or rail property illegally, with another 32 hurt or killed at crossings.
From January to June of this year an average of 10 Canadians per month have been seriously hurt or killed at crossings, or by trespassing onto federally regulated railways.
In the first half of 2024, rail crossing accidents were up 11 per cent with trespassing incidents up 57 per cent.
September 23rd to the 29th is Rail Safety Week in Canada.
Source : Pembinavalley online