What are underutilized crops and how can they fight hidden hunger?
Underutilized crops refer to the thousands and thousands of grains, fruits, and vegetables that exist in every corner of the world but, due to a variety of factors, have been ignored or underdeveloped. These crops are high in vitamins and minerals, can withstand drought, and are resilient when it comes to climate change. They hold significance for local and Indigenous populations but are generally not grown in large volumes and don’t have a supply chain set up that makes them readily accessible to consumers. Some examples are millet, quinoa, elderberries, and black walnuts. With their high nutritional profile and strong sustainability factors, these and other underutilized crops are keys to solving the problem of hidden hunger, and I see their recovery as a win-win situation. We need to feed people with nutritious food, and we also need to think about water, energy, and land resources.
With all their many benefits, it seems these crops should be maximized. Why aren’t they?
It has to do with a complex interaction of social, economic, and political factors that took place over decades and short-term decisions that were made without thinking about longer-term impact. Traditionally, most of the knowledge about growing these crops was transferred from one generation to the next when people were living in agrarian communities. But in the wake of the industrial revolution and after the world wars, people started moving away from their communities to urban areas. In the process, this knowledge transfer was lost. In addition, governments started to focus on the production of major crops like rice, wheat, and corn, and subsidies were given only to these crops. Naturally, farmers began growing crops that would earn them income. So, over the past 50 years, we have vastly reduced consuming, growing, and processing these underutilized crops.
Another approach to combating nutrition insecurity is biofortification. Can you explain what it is and its overlap with underutilized crops?
Biofortification is the process of increasing the micronutrient content of a food crop through breeding and genetic modification. With biofortification, we can embed micronutrients right into the grain to make iron-rich beans, zinc-rich rice, or vitamin A-rich orange-flesh sweet potatoes, so that when people are consuming those foods, they’re taking in those important nutrients. Some underutilized crops might be candidates for biofortification—that’s where these approaches overlap.
Why is this topic so urgent right now?
This topic is critically important because of factors like the climate crisis. When we have droughts and floods, we need alternative food solutions so that we are no longer dependent on the major five crops. During Covid, we saw how vulnerable our food supply chain is. It’s high time we realize we need a backup plan; we need to create resilient food systems. If we want to be more resilient, we need to be more diverse.
You grew up in India. Are there underutilized crops that you ate during your youth that are experiencing a revival?
My grandfather used to grow rice and millets, and I grew up eating a lot of millets. With globalization, rice was given more economic incentives, and so farmers turned to rice farming intensively. But now, millets are making a comeback. The United Nations declared 2023 the International Year of Millets, and this gave these ancient grains a big boost in terms of public attention. In India, there are startup companies, such as Wholsum Foods – Slurrp Farm that are developing millet-based noodles and other millet-based healthy foods. There are a lot of product development, breeding, and processing initiatives happening, and the government is supporting these initiatives.
How about in the United States?
Millets are also making a comeback in the U.S. Go to a grocery store and you can see a whole slew of them—proso millet, little millet, finger millet, pearl millet. The beauty of it is that each one has a different nutritional profile; the essential amino acids, the dietary fibers, the protein content all vary from one type to the next. I was surprised to learn that most of these millets used to grow in North America, and even here in the Midwest, we’ve learned that millets were once part of the food ecosystem for the Native Americans. Research from professor Rob Myers, director of the Center for Regenerative Agriculture at the University of Missouri-Columbia, has proven that the Midwest continues to be a wonderful place to grow all kinds of millets. These crops can be grown with limited inputs; all we need to do is revive them.
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