This week's crop report shows crops are advancing quickly and are reportedly in good condition.
There is some concern for later planted fields that are showing uneven and thin stands due to dry topsoil.
Cereal crops are in the four-leaf to full flag-leaf stage. Winter cereals remain in good condition with staging for fall rye at the milk to soft dough stage, winter wheat has hit the flowering to milk stage. Corn has advanced rapidly with the recent heat and most of the fields are at the V5 to V8 stage.
Oilseed crops in the province are advancing rapidly with producers still monitoring for flea beetles. Canola is in the two-leaf to flowering stage on the early seeded fields and has moved past its most vulnerable growth stages in most areas, other than the later planted fields. Sunflowers are in excellent condition and have hit the V6 to V10 stage, while most flax crops are at growth stage 5 (stem extension).