The Best Way To Stack Your Bales Reveled

The Best Way To Stack Your Bales Reveled
Aug 16, 2017
Planning how you store your hay can go a long way in saving the quality of your feed.
A common misconception is thinking hay is a stable product when it gets put into a bale.
Beef and Forage Specialistst, Barry Yaremcio, says that unprotected bales that have been through rain and winter, decrease 10 percent in digestibility.
He shared some tips for storing round bales.
"Try to stack them in single rows make sure the bales are 6 inches apart, one right beside the other one, like a row of marshmallows, Yarmecipo said. "You don't want the bales to touch, cause any place the bales touch when you get rain or when the snow melts that's where the mold starts to form, and the deterioration will occur, so leaving the 6 inches between the bales and in single rows is the best way."
Source : Discoverestevan